Enews 4-25-19: Human Service Summit 2019; Domestic Violence Bill


Join UCS for the 2019 Human Service Summit - Health Starts at Home. Be a part of the community conversation of how having access to a safe, stable and affordable home impacts our health. This is a unique opportunity to come together with representatives from various community sectors who care deeply about Johnson County. Our community's economic vitality and sustainability are only as healthy as those who live and work here.

8:30 a.m.-12:30 P.M.
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Johnson County Arts & Heritage Center
8788 Metcalf
Overland Park, KS 66212


The morning kicks off with Dr. Tiffany Manuel, PhD., President and CEO of TheCaseMade, as the keynote speaker. Dr. Manuel is a dynamic speaker, thought leader, and writer on the issues of community development, social change and cross-sector partnerships. She has worked to expand opportunity for low-income workers, families and communities through 25+ years of professional and volunteer experience spanning the private and non-profit sectors, government and academia. She is the primary architect of the Opportunity360 platform, with more than 100,000 users in the community development field, which remains the most comprehensive data platform for practitioners looking to advance systems change and population outcomes. Her published work includes: "You Don't Have to Live Here" - Why Housing Messages are Backfiring and 10 Things We Can Do About It.

The Summit includes a multi-sector panel moderated by Steve Kraske of KCUR. During the session, attendees will participate in a solutions-focused discussion on how to create a response that aligns housing choice options with the economic development vision of the right mix of office, industry, retail, dining, entertainment, and education, infrastructure and support services. Home options need to reflect the different wage levels this employment mix represents.

This event is made possible with support from United Way of Greater Kansas City, REACH Healthcare Foundation, The University of Kansas School of Public Affairs & Administration, Bob Kipp Endowment, and Johnson County Community College Foundation.

To register and pay online, please click here.
Register today, seating is limited.

Bill Providing Housing Protections for Domestic Violence Survivors Signed into Law

This week, Governor Kelly signed into law SB78. The new law provides housing protections for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, or stalking. Bill sponsor Senator Dinah Sykes of Senate District 21 (representing parts of Lenexa, Olathe, Overland Park, and Shawnee) secured 26 co-sponsors from the senate for the measure. Click here for a summary of the new legislation.

"Kansans dealing with abusive domestic situations don't always have time to plan their next move," Governor Kelly said. "When they need to leave a dangerous situation quickly, this legislation ensures landlords can't discriminate, can't evict, and can't charge unreasonable fees for breaking a lease." — Hawver's Capitol Report

Senator Sykes discussed the new law at this week's Johnson County Continuum of Care on Homelessness (CoC). UCS convenes the CoC's monthly meetings that bring together more than 50 organizations from the human service sector, local government, schools and the faith community to respond to homelessness and poverty. UCS also facilitates the annual Point-in-Time (PIT) count of those experiencing homelessness. The most recent count noted that one third of households currently experiencing homelessness in Johnson County were fleeing domestic violence or sexual abuse.

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