Rita Carr is the Director of Community Planning. Among her responsibilities, Rita leads and convenes the KS-505 Continuum of Care (CoC) on Homelessness, a community collaboration that seeks to improve the community’s response to poverty and homelessness. The CoC is made up of private and public organizations and agencies who either serve those who are currently homeless or those who are most at risk. Rita leads the CoC's annual HUD Collaborative Application grant submission and Johnson County's annual Point in Time Count. She also convenes and leads the Emergency Food and Shelter Program grant fund process.

Prior to joining UCS, Rita was the Director of Youth and Family Services at a local social services agency where she led their youth and family homeless shelters, transitional housing programs, and youth street outreach. She has more than fifteen years of experience working with youth and families experiencing housing instability in the Kansas City metro area. Prior to joining UCS, Rita participated in the Johnson County Continuum of Care on Homelessness (CoC) for over 5 years and served as a Co-Chair of the CoC Board. She also served on UCS’ Transitional Aged Youth Planning and Implementation Project.

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