The following information was provided to UCS by jurisdictions that provide funding support for the Human Service Fund and/or Alcohol Tax Fund. UCS compiled this information to the best of our ability, and is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions, or for updates after June 1, 2019. If a jurisdiction provided policies, resolutions, certificates, codes, or additional information in addition to noting compliance with Kansas statutes and/or federal acts or adopting Uniform Public Offense Code for Kansas Cities, that information is provided under the name of the jurisdiction.
K.S. A. 44-1001 thru 1044 Article 10 – Kansas Acts Against Discrimination; within cities’ policies/resolutions/certificates are references to K.S.A. 44-1001,
44-1030 et seq.
K.S.A. 44-1110 thru 1138 Article 11 – Discrimination in Employment ; cities reference K.S.A. 44-1111 et seq.
Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended (see Editor’s Note)
Uniform Public Offense Code (see Section 8.1, page 85)
Jurisdictions that provided additional information:
Johnson County
Policy Statement 2016
Posted Policy
Resolution No. 9-22-88
Resolution No. 9-13-90
Certificate of Nondiscrimination
Lenexa Purchasing Policy
Non-Discrimination Ordinance
Chapter 615
Ordinance No. 19-77
Overland Park
Overland Park Standard Non-discrimination Requirements
Prairie Village
Municipal Code, Chapter 5, Article 8
Roeland Park
Ordinance No. 894
Municipal Code, Chapter 5, Article 12
Shawnee Policy Statement PS-03
Shawnee Fair Housing Policy
Westwood City Code, Chapter 8, Article 9
Ordinance 756 Fair Housing
Jurisdictions that did not provide additional information:
De Soto
Spring Hill